Discover the CUZCO® aluminium slider and its slimmed down junction

08 march 2018 - Product News

Profils Systèmes has developed a new range of 70mm sliding aluminium profiles with the Cuzco® high energy-saving ratings.  The Cuzco® aluminium slider profile is not only efficient, it also includes several advantages including the Jaya® reduced junction!  Profils Systèmes is the only aluminium profile manufacturer in France to offer you these options in its range of aluminum sliding bays.

What exactly is the Jaya® reduced junction?

This patented reduced junction between the opening sections of sliding bays is a real innovation which allows installers to reduce the visible aluminum sightline by 40%!

And so on the new range of aluminium Cuzco®70 mm sliding bays, the aluminium visible at the junction of the opening sections has reduced from 142.3mm to 87.8mm, which allows an unprecedented optimal light gain.

A specific reduced junction profile is available on sliding frames, 2 leaves on 1 rail (pocket), 4 leaves on 2 rails (traditional or pocket), 6 leaves on 3 rails (traditional), etc.

The only one on the market, this optional version will lend style to your interior and let natural light flood in through even larger windows.